By definition, Christians are those who have received the mercy of God through the person and work of Jesus Christ. In response, we pursue a lifestyle of both showing and telling the good news of this mercy. We want others in the Harrisburg region and Central Pennsylvania to experience the kingdom of God in the way we live, speak and serve as Jesus’ presence here. Moreover, we want others to enter the kingdom of God—to see their own need for mercy and trust the finished work of Jesus for themselves. 

We believe God has placed us in this particular time and place for a reason (Acts 17:26), and as his people we seek the good of this place (Jeremiah 29:7). With faithfulness to Jesus and in contextually wise ways, we seek the thriving of the place God has sent us and find our own thriving as a subset of that.

We are honored to be partnering with the ministries listed below in advancing the gospel locally.


Serving partners are trusted partners who have regular serving opportunities.

Keystone Family Alliance

Keystone Family Alliance is comprised of representatives from different churches around the state of Pennsylvania. They aim to educate, motivate, and equip every Christian in the state of Pennsylvania on the needs of orphans and vulnerable children, both locally and globally. They bridge the gap between the desperate need of the child welfare system and PA churches.

Keystone Family Alliance mobilizes Christians from around Pennsylvania. For some, it is registering to meet tangible needs of foster, adoptive, and biological families through our online portal, Gateway. For others, it is serving on an engineered Care Community to support a local family for a year. For churches, Keystone Family Alliance provides the framework and support to help churches successfully recruit families to care for children in their communities to become these much-needed placement homes.


Peace Promise

Peace Promise assists in recovering hope and strengthening the lives of those impacted by sexual exploitation in our community. We envision transformed lives filled with endless opportunities, meaningful relationships, and enduring peace. We steward a promise to future generations to remain increasingly aware and actively engaged in confronting the distortions of our hyper-sexualized culture.

Founded in 2008 to serve the Harrisburg metropolitan region, Peace Promise is an all-volunteer, grassroots organization that assists in recovering hope and strengthening the lives of those impacted by sexual exploitation in our community.


Resource partners are trusted partners who might not have specific serving needs, but with whom we have routine involvement.


Capital Area Pregnancy Center (Life Choices Clinic)

The Capital Area Pregnancy Center is a nonpolitical, Christian organization with a relational goal: to see those facing a pregnancy decision receive love, care, and support. We exist to go beyond the politics of pregnancy to serve women and men facing pregnancy decisions by offering education and resources that empower an informed choice.

Serving over 1,000 appointments a year, we are committed to creating a safe environment where respect and value for each person are demonstrated by our caring staff and volunteers. We are dedicated to providing a warm and safe environment to everyone, regardless of age, race, income, nationality, religious affiliation, or circumstances.