
To become a Christian is to enter into a covenant with God and with other Christians. Throughout the Bible, God binds himself to his people - promising to bless and save them. The Bible’s word for these loving promises is “covenant”

At Liberti Church we use the word “covenant” for our membership because we seek to model that same kind of covenant love in our relationships as a church community.

How to join Liberti Church:

Step 1: In-Covenant Class.

Twice a year, we offer a three-part class to introduce people to the beliefs of Christian faith, and what it means to be a part of Liberti Church.

Step 2: One-on-One Connection.

Everyone who would like to join Liberti Church will have the opportunity to meet one-on-one, or as a family, with a church leader, where you’ll be able to share your story, ask further questions, and consider what it would look like for you to become involved in the life of the church.

Step 3: In-Covenant Vows.

For those who would like to join themselves to Liberti Church, the final step is to make a public commitment to God and his people during one of our gathered worship services. If you are becoming a Christian, this will also be a great opportunity to celebrate the story of God’s grace in your life, and baptize you.