The Liberti Institute is designed to develop and equip men and women at Liberti Church to faithfully pursue Liberti’s mission to live, speak, and serve as the presence of Jesus for the Harrisburg region. The Institute is an active learning environment that uses classroom and lecture-style settings to foster deep learning and growth in at least one of three main pillars:
Christian Story
Growth in the understanding of God’s redemptive story (e.g., creation, fall, redemption, restoration), and each person’s participation within. These offerings are best-fit for men and women who are unbelievers, relatively new to the Christian faith, or desiring to better understand the plan of God from the beginning of time through the promised new creation.
Core Class: Foundations of Christian Story
Possible Elective: God’s Answers to Life’s Big Questions
Christian Belief
Growth in the knowledge of both what Christians believe and why they believe it. These offerings are best-fit for men and women who have deeper roots in the Christian faith, but also need and/or desire to gain a greater understanding of doctrinal and confessional statements, or systematic theology.
Core Class: Foundations of Christian Belief
Possible Elective: The Apostles’ Creed
Christian Formation
Growth in the functional outworking of Christian belief into faithful practice. These offerings are best-fit for men and women who need and/or desire to strengthen their disciplines in the Rhythms of Grace, engage culture from a Christian worldview, or develop their pastoral gifts in service to others.
Core Class: Foundations of Christian Formation
Possible Elective: God’s Design for Marriage
The Institute offerings are a midsize environment that is both much smaller than gathered worship and slightly larger than a Bible Study Group. Participants in the offerings are challenged to be active participants in collaboration and contribution toward learning outcomes. Typical expectations for an Institute offering will include work done ahead of the scheduled session, table discussions during the session, a lecture and/or teaching segment, and either homework or an application assignment.
The Liberti Institute predominantly operates in Fall, Spring, and Summer semesters:
Fall: mid-September through mid-November
Spring: early February through early April
Summer: early June through early August
Courses are up to eight sessions in length, with each session being around 90 minutes. They will most often be led by a single instructor who is an In-Covenant member of Liberti or separately approved by Liberti Church elders; some courses may also be co-led by multiple members.