A Study of the Gospel of John
…these are written so that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name. - John 20:31
Near the end of his Gospel - his account of Jesus’ life and teachings - the Apostle John offers this purpose statement. Short on time, short on space, he can’t possibly record all Jesus said and did.
So what John does include he includes with intentionality:
Seven signs which reveal Jesus’ power.
Seven “I am…” statements which reveal Jesus’ true identity.
Teachings and prayers which reveal how Jesus’ followers should live after his death and resurrection.
And all of this, as John 20:31 says, so that the reader will find life in Jesus’ name.
Join us this spring at Liberti Church as we explore the Gospel of John. As people longing for life - real, genuine, vibrant life - we’ll see that it can only be found in Jesus.