Liberti Creative Arts
The purpose of everything we do at Liberti Church—gathered worship services, serving opportunities, worship & arts, men and women's ministries—the purpose of all of it is to facilitate and further this pursuit of a lifestyle of worship, community and mercy.
Liberti’s Creative Arts is no exception, we exist for artists and appreciators of art who wish to use their time and talents to enhance worship in our church, help build community, and redeem the culture in our sphere of influence.
We desire, in some small way and on a local level, to help the Church reclaim its important role of creating substantive and non-derivative art—a role that slowly began eroding after the Reformation and continued through the Enlightenment and on to today.
We worship the Creator, therefore we should not abdicate our creative impulses. Rather we should bring glory to God by using our creativity.
Contact us for more information on joining our creative arts team!
ADVENT 2021 - Open to submissions!
Advent 2021 is fast approaching. We are now accepting submissions for our Advent guide, a meaningful devotional we use as we walk through the upcoming Advent season. Submissions are due by October 20th.
Submissions may include (but are not limited to):
Floral arrangements
Quilting, knitting, needlework
Original songs
The Advent guide is available in paper and digital formats so any 3-dimensional pieces will need to be photographed for use in the guide. We would ask that you contribute along with each submission a short reflection that would connect your piece to one of the themes of Advent: Hope, Peace, Joy, Love and Good News. We also want to encourage children to participate; however, they do not need to provide a written reflection.
To help get you brainstorming, our sermon series for Advent 2021 is “Word Made Flesh.”
"In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God, and the Word was God...And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us." -John 1:1;14
Each Advent, we celebrate the Incarnation. Jesus, who was fully divine and existed before creation, became a fully human man.
Over the centuries, this has presented an obstacle to belief for many. How can God become human? How can a human remain fully divine? Most of the heresies that emerged in the early years of the Church resulted from upholding one and diminishing or denying the other.
For others, this has become the bedrock of faith and confession. But perhaps its meaning has become empty. Or rote. Perhaps the incredible, marvelous mystery of the Incarnation is not eliciting the awe and astonishment it merits.
Wherever you find yourself, join us this Advent at Liberti Church as we do a deep dive into Jesus' Incarnation. We'll seek to better behold the beauty of the Word made flesh and the implications for our lives.