A Study of Colossians

“Rescue me from the person who tells me of life and omits Christ, who is wise in the ways of the world and ignores the movement of the Spirit."

- Eugene Peterson

All around us, we are bombarded by promises of a satisfying life. Ads promise fulfillment from new clothes, new cars, and upgraded homes. Gurus tout more relationships, more hobbies, or more spiritual practices as the path to a full life.

The specifics are certainly different. But nearly 2,000 years ago, new Christians in Colossae encountered similar empty promises. Borrowing from pagan culture and Jewish rituals, certain teachers undermined the sufficiency of Jesus’ work and insisted they had the answers Jesus lacked.

The Apostle Paul had little reason to pay mind to the church at Colossae. It wasn't a church he planted. It was in a small, relatively insignificant city long past its prime. And now imprisoned under house arrest in Rome, Paul’s hands were more than full trying to provide long-distance support to the churches he had planted—churches in bigger, more significant cities like Ephesus and Philippi. 

But when Epaphras visited Paul with news from Colossae, the result was perhaps the most explicitly Jesus-centered book in the entire Bible. 

Join us this spring at Liberti Church as we walk through Paul’s letter to the Colossians. In the process of refuting false teaching, Paul offers the Colossians—and every subsequent reader—a beautiful portrait of the supremacy and sufficiency of Jesus. 

Over the coming weeks, in both our sermon series and Bible Study Groups, we’ll seek to more deeply appreciate and live in light of the fullness and satisfaction offered by the Incomparable Jesus.